Continuing education IEO


The continuing education course in Industrial Energy Optimisation (IEO) focusing on electric motors, systems and energy management is organised in cooperation with the following universities





Learning objectives

Electric motor driven systems consume more than 70% of the electrical energy in industry.

The aim of the course is to enable technical professionals in industrial companies to plan the optimisation of drive systems, conduct talks with external experts and suppliers, and to increase business performance for investments in optimisation measures.

Target group

The continuing education course is designed for technical staff in industrial companies. Energy consultants from industrial companies, the staff of energy suppliers, trade associations, energy agencies and the public authorities as well as interested professionals can also participate.

Venues and dates for the course

The course covers 6 days (3 blocks of 2 days, Fri/Sat).

The dates for 2021 at the HSLU in Horw are in planning.

The dates for 2020 at the HEIG-VD in Yverdon-les-Bains are 05 September, 11 / 12 September, 30 / 31 October 2020.

The dates for 2020 at the FHNW in Basel are 21/22 August, 4/5 September, 25/26 September 2020.

Participation fee

CHF 3'000.- (6-day course), including registration, course materials (incl. introduction to Topmotors software tools and data sheets, etc.) lunch, excl. cost of the journey.

Discounts on the participation fee

Persons employed by a company in the canton of Fribourg or living in the canton of Fribourg receive a discount of CHF 1'000 on the participation fee for the course at HEIG-VD.

Persons residing in the canton of Vaud or working for a company in the canton of Vaud receive a discount of CHF 1'500 on the participation fee for the course at HEIG-VD.

Members of act (energy specialists and customers), SwissT.netswisscleantech and S.A.F.E. as well as jobseekers receive a discount of 20% (CHF 600. -) on the participation fee.


HSLU (course language German):
HEIG-VD (course language French):
FHNW Basel (course language German):


Rita Werle
Impact Energy
Gessnerallee 38a, 8001 Zurich
+41 (0)44 226 20 10

Funding body

The supporting organisations are Cleantech Agentur Switzerland (act), Swiss Technology Network (, swisscleantech and the Swiss Agency for Energy Efficiency (S.A.F.E.).

The course is supported by SwissEnergy (Swiss Federal Office of Energy), the cantons of Northwestern Switzerland, the Canton of Vaud and the Energy FR Programme.


​ ​ ​IEO 2020​ ​ ​ ​ ​OEE 2020​ ​ ​ ​IEO 2020​